Monday, January 7, 2008

my little ones!

had to share these recent pics of the kids! So, Can you tell that dad dressed Audrey in the first picture! lol. nothing like pink print with purple print pants that don't match! hee!

The other photo isn't the best, but I had to catch Alexander and Audrey hugging on the couch! They stayed like that for a while! I hope they always love each other!

1 comment:

Cindy Gilchrist said...

Oh that's so cute Charity! That first photo reminds me of a time when my daughter was in preschool and I had an early appointment so my DH got her up, dressed and off to preschool - when I picked her up that day and walked in the class and saw her I was MORTIFIED!!! She was so mismatched!!! Its funny now but I'm sure I had that "deer in headlights" look when I saw her!